So What is a Food Forest?

Essentially, a food forest is an integrated system of edible plants that mimic ecosystems and patterns found in nature. This low-maintenance, sustainable, plant-based food production system is based on forest ecosystems. It incorporates fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, and perennial vegetables that produce food year over year. This is based off of a gardening principle called permaculture.

Permaculture (a name derived from permanent agriculture and permanent culture) is a principle that was developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid to late 1970’s.  Their belief is that humans can meet their own needs through ecological and regenerative design.

In a nutshell, permaculture is all about working with nature not against it. There are three ethical guidelines that encompass permaculture; Care for the earth, Care for people, and Pay it forward (share your yield). Permaculture empowers us to take control of our lives and re-align ourselves through the understanding and appreciation of nature.

Since all of our gardens are customized to harmonize with the existing landscape, an on-sight consultation is ideal.  There are several steps we take to create a comprehensive analysis of your property. Click here to learn more about our process.

Ready To Build Your Food Forest Paradise?

Welcome To Permaculture!
Let's Grow It!